Videos from the ASCRS Summer Meeting

ASCRS/EyeWorld Onsite: Reporting from the ASCRS Summer Meeting: August 19–21, 2022

Zaina Al-Mohtaseb, MD, chair of the YES Clinical Committee and YES program chair at the ASCRS Summer Meeting, describes the skills transfer lab offerings at the meeting and the importance of these experiences.

Zaina Al-Mohtaseb, MD, chair of the YES Clinical Committee and YES program chair at the ASCRS Summer Meeting, explains the value of having meetings on a smaller scale and the opportunities they afford.

Daniel Chang, MD, program co-chair of the ASCRS Summer Meeting, welcomes attendees, explaining how the meeting provides a “taste of ASCRS.”

Tania Padilla Conde, MD, resident at the University of Kentucky, “loved participating in the DMEK and DSEK wet lab.”

Kourtney Houser, MD, shares one of the best parts of the ASCRS Summer Meeting.

Douglas Koch, MD, program co-chair of the ASCRS Summer Meeting, shares a word of advice inspired by an important talk given at the meeting about ergonomics.

Sayena Jabbehdari, MD, resident at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, speaks about what she did at the ASCRS Summer Meeting.

Sumitra Khandelwal, MD, program co-chair of the ASCRS Summer Meeting, summarizes the meeting and extends an invite for a “taste of ASCRS in the future.”

Nandini Venkateswaran, MD, a member of the YES Clinical Committee, recaps the skills transfer lab opportunities at the ASCRS Summer Meeting.

Margaret Wang, MD, calls the ASCRS Summer Meeting an “amazing experience.”

Claire Wright, MD, shares what she got out of the ASCRS Summer Meeting and one specific pearl that she learned.

James Tian, MD, resident at the Duke Eye Center, tells EyeWorld what he experienced at the ASCRS Summer Meeting.