Symposia at the 2023 ASCRS Annual Meeting


March 2023

by Ellen Stodola
Editorial Co-Director

The ASCRS Annual Meeting, taking place May 5–8 in San Diego, California, will feature a variety of exciting educational symposia on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.

Saturday, May 6

Kicking off Saturday morning from 8:00–9:30 a.m., the “Glaucoma Essentials” symposia, sponsored by the ASCRS Glaucoma Clinical Committee, will cover the most important topics in glaucoma, from types to clinical evaluation and testing to medical and laser management. 

Also at that time, the “Retina for the Anterior Segment Surgeon” symposium will cover the latest posterior segment topics that pertain to anterior segment surgeons. 

“Good to Great Surgeon: Working Through Complications” on Saturday morning, sponsored by the ASCRS YES Clinical Committee, will feature presenters showcasing videos of difficult cases for input from a panel.

Another YES-sponsored symposium will take place on Saturday afternoon from 1:30–3:00 p.m. “Toolkit for Job Success” will cover topics like contract negotiation, financial wellness, and tips on how to start a solo practice.

“Corneal Considerations in Cataract Evaluations” is a case-based symposium that will showcase corneal techniques.

Also from 1:30–3:00 p.m., the popular “Complicated and Challenging Cases in Cataract Surgery Video Symposium” will feature the presentation of six challenging video cases, with the audience ultimately choosing who takes home the Golden Apple Award for best teaching case.

Wrapping up Saturday’s symposia from 3:30–5:00 p.m. are this year’s Government Relations symposium, as well as “X-Rounds: Refractive Cataract Surgery to the Max,” a fast-paced session highlighting refractive cataract surgery topics, which will be featured on the Main Stage.

Sunday, May 7

Symposia begin Sunday morning from 8:00–9:30 a.m. with “Making the Uncomfortable Comfortable: Strategies for Managing Complex Cases and Advanced Technology IOLs Part I,” sponsored by the ASCRS Cataract Clinical Committee. This first of a two-part symposia series will review strategies, techniques, and technologies to provide better outcomes for routine cases, complex cases, and advanced-technology IOLs.

Also at that time will be the “Myths and Misconceptions in Refractive Surgery” symposium, which will review common misconceptions and practice patterns in refractive surgery. 

From 1:30–3:00 p.m., “Clinical Conundrums in Cornea” will be a case-based symposium where invited faculty share their experience and provide evidence-based guidelines in managing challenging cases. 

Also at this time, “TOPGUN: Phaco Mavericks” will be featured on the Main Stage. This symposium will include 12 international instructors giving their best and most essential pearls that have helped each of them become a leading surgeon.

Rounding out Sunday’s symposia from 3:30–5:00 p.m., “Evaluating Irregular Corneas for Refractive Surgery” will provide an interactive, case-based discussion of important points when considering how to counsel patients, evaluate complicated corneas prior to refractive surgery, and determine the best management and surgical treatment to achieve a refractive outcome. The “Combined Societies of Cataract and Refractive Surgery Symposium” will feature presenters from ASCRS, ESCRS, APACRS, and ALACCSA-R.

Monday, May 8

On Monday, “Cataract Surgery & All the Subspecialties” will take place from 10:15–11:45 a.m. This symposium will discuss cataract surgery in patients with oculoplastic disease, retinal disease, glaucoma, neuro-ophthalmic disease, and corneal disease. Also at this time will be the “Best Videos Ever!” symposium moderated by Robert Osher, MD, featuring a variety of video cases.

On Monday afternoon from 1:30–3:00 p.m., three symposia will be presented: “Making the Uncomfortable Comfortable: Strategies for Managing Complex Cases and Advanced Technology IOLs Part II,” “The Perfect Save: Challenging Cases Managed by International Experts,” and “Challenging Cases.”